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Stay Informed, Stay Safe: President Abubakari’s Key Message to the Community

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The Ghana National Council President, Mr. Kassim Abubakari, has issued an important message to the community, emphasizing the need for unity and awareness regarding individual rights during encounters with law enforcement. His statement provides crucial guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety and legal protection. The full message is reproduced below for your reference:

Statement from the President of the Ghana National Council to the Community

Dear Community Members,

In light of recent events concerning the rights of individuals during encounters with law enforcement, it is imperative that we stand united and informed. As your President, I urge you to be aware of your rights and the proper procedures to follow when confronted by agents.

  1. Do Not Open Your Door: Always verify the identity of any agent at your door before allowing entry. Your safety and security are paramount.
  2. Request a Judicial Warrant: Ensure that any agent presents a valid judicial warrant. This document must contain your correct name and address, a valid date, and a judge’s signature. If these elements are missing, the warrant is not legitimate.
  3. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent: Remember, you have the right to remain silent. Politely inform the agents that you wish to exercise this right.
  4. Engage Your Attorney: Never hesitate to reach out to your attorney before answering any questions. It is your right to seek legal counsel.
  5. Do Not Sign Documents: Be cautious and refrain from signing any documents without proper legal advice.

Let us all work together to ensure that our rights are protected. Please contact 855-435-7693 if you have questions.

Together, we can keep our community informed and safe.

Mr. Kassim Abubakari
President, Ghana National Council

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