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DCOP Abdul-Osman Razak

The recent appointment of DCOP Abdul-Osman Razak, a serving police officer, as the National Security Coordinator has sparked a lot of discussion among commentators. Among others, some commentators are wondering how DCOP Razak, who remained on his rank for eight (8) good years without promotion by IGP Dampare, could be identified by President Mahama and elevated to such high and esteemed position.

It is important for readers to appreciate that DCOP Razak and a number of his colleagues remained on the rank of ACP from 2017 till January 2025.

It is also instructive to note that within this period, IGP Dampare promoted some course mates of DCOP Razak and DCOP Razak and left DCOP Razak and others out.

Asked about why he left other course mates including DCOP Razak out, IGP Dampare is on record to have said that DCOP Razak and his other colleagues could not be promoted because of issues of “incompetence, integrity and vacancy”.

Implied in the above is the fact that DCOP Razak and his colleagues are incompetent and lack integrity hence could not be promoted.

While IGP Dampare raised issues of ‘vacancy’ as one of the reasons why DCOP Razak and his colleagues could not be promoted, the same Dampare has promoted countless number of juniors of DCOP Razak and his colleagues above their seniors.

In one particular instance, one police officer who was a superintendent at the time DCOP and his colleagues were ACPs, has been promoted within the period to Chief Superintended, ACP and now DCOP in 2024.

Meanwhile, all the earlier promotions and denial of promotions under IGP Dampare, have occurred without Assessment Committees, and Appointment and Promotions Board as required by Section 37(1) of C.I. 76.

Interestingly, the same IGP Dampare ‘quietly’ promoted ACP Razak to the rank of DCOP after 7th January 2025, apparently after learning that DCOP Razak was scheduled for a top appointment.

Is it not an irony, that the same ACP Razak who “lacked integrity and competence” according to IGP Dampare, has been identified by President Mahama for one of the topmost appointments in Ghana’s security architecture? Does this not vindicate accusations by personnel that IGP Dampare has all along been discriminatory in promoting his cronies without any objective assessment standard?

There is no doubt that the appointment of DCOP Razak, whom IGP Dampare describes as “lacking integrity and competence” as the National Security Coordinator, has punctured the narcissistic ego of IGP Dampare, and exposed him as hypocritical, petty and lacking integrity.

IGP Dampare must be bowing his head in shame as he is about to ‘technically’ report to DCOP Razak either directly, or through his Directors-General of CID, PID and Operations among others. If this is not enough for Dampare to voluntarily resign, then I don’t know what else he’s waiting for before his fate is nailed by the President.

For those who have always doubted why some of us want IGP Dampare out, this is just one reason. DAMPARE MUST GO. This is the clarion call of over 90% of GPS personnel and I’m predicting wild jubilation among personnel on the day Dampare is changed.

ACP (Rtd) Dr. Benjamin Agordzo.

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