In a thrilling finale, Mfantsipim School emerged victorious in the National Science and Maths Quiz, outshining Saint Augustine’s College and Keta Senior High Technical School. The competition, held at the University of Cape Coast, showcased Ghana’s top students’ intellectual prowess.
Mfantsipim’s journey to the top began with a stunning semifinal upset against reigning champions Presbyterian Boys Secondary School, securing a 56-53 win. The stage was set for an electrifying final, where Mfantsipim faced formidable opponents.
The five-round finale saw Mfantsipim clinch the championship with 47 points, narrowly beating Saint Augustine’s College’s 46 points. Keta Senior High Technical School followed with 29 points.
This triumph marks Mfantsipim’s third NSMQ title, solidifying their legacy as Ghana’s oldest senior high school. Led by Isaac Mensah, the team demonstrated remarkable resilience and quick thinking, earning well-deserved accolades.
The National Science and Maths Quiz remains a beacon of academic achievement in Ghana, inspiring students to pursue excellence and innovation. Mfantsipim’s victory ignites curiosity about their strategies and preparations, cementing their reputation as a powerhouse in science and mathematics education.