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Uncashed Healthcare Premium Refund Checks

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The City’s Records Show That Some City Retirees May Have Uncashed

Healthcare Premium Refund Checks.

Retirees or their Legal Representatives May Request That The City Reissue Checks.

The City of Chicago sent healthcare premium refund checks to certain City retirees and/or their surviving spouses who participated in the City’s retiree healthcare plan between 2003 and 2013 (“Healthcare Participants”).  The City’s records show that some of the refund checks have not been cashed. 

The City recently sent letters in the mail to Healthcare Participants who are payees of potentially uncashed checks and provided instructions about how to request that the checks be reissued. 

In addition, Healthcare Participants and/or their legal representatives may search the City’s website to determine whether they may be entitled to request that checks be reissued. 

Here’s how:

To find out if a Healthcare Participant may have an uncashed refund check, please enter the name below to search for the Healthcare Participant’s name. If you find the name that you were searching for, please print out and complete the form available here:  Uncashed Retiree Healthcare Refund Form

If you are making a claim for more than one person, you must complete the form for each person individually; do not combine checks for more than one person on the form.

Please send the completed form to:

City of Chicago Department of Finance,

Chicago Benefits Office

333 S. State Street, Room 400

Chicago, IL 60604-3978

Attention: Reissue Project

Once the City receives the completed form, the City will investigate your request and may need to seek additional information from you, so please provide proper and legible contact information on the form to ensure your request can be properly verified. Please also be patient as it will take time to resolve the requests that are submitted.

For any questions or if you need assistance, please contact: Chicago Benefits Office – (312) 747-1600

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